
9 min read

DIY Automated Christmas Tree Watering

I used an Adafruit QT Py ESP32-C3 board, capacitive moisture sensor, a cheap fountain pump, and a relay to create a self watering system for our christmas tree. All for about $20, not including parts and tools I already owned.

DIY Automated Christmas Tree Watering
15 min read

Migrating from Next.js to Astro

A detailed look into migrating a personal site from Next.js to Astro. I share my reasons for the switch, code comparisons, performance benchmarks, some of Astro's shortcomings, and my plans for working with Astro.

Migrating from Next.js to Astro
5 min read

Controlling a 3D Printer's Power Supply with OctoPrint

One of the first things I wanted to do after buying the Ender 3 back in August 2020 was the ability to power on/off the printer via the OctoPrint interface. Luckily there is a robust PSU Control plugin that already exists. I just needed to figure out the hardware...

Controlling a 3D Printer's Power Supply with OctoPrint